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Benefits of using JUICE
Pocket JUICE
The instant, user-applied, immediate treatment for skis and boards that also leaves no residue on the snow whilst again maintaining the same performance.
100% environmentally friendly
Cost effective
As fast as waxes and even faster in extreme conditions
Low carbon footprint
Low waste
Pocket JUICE even actually enhances wax if you still use it!
No tools required to apply
JUICE Permanent
The permanent treatment for new or used equipment to ensure that it never needs waxing and retains the same performance.
100% environmentally friendly
Fully repairable
Highly cost-effective
As fast as waxes and even faster in extreme conditions
Low carbon footprint
Low waste
Zero maintenance
JUICE Permanent lasts for the life of the equipment:
This image shows a ski base after being used for over 7 weeks — that's more than 200 hours and it looks almost new still and glides perfectly!
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